
You are not currently registered for the UNEP Refrigerant Management Course sample materials. In order to register for the full course material, please provide the email address used for registration of course sample materials.


UNEP Refrigerant Management Course
Course Sample Materials Registration
Register to get access to the course sample materials. To register, please select "Register Now" button:
Full Course Registration
Full course registration requires previously completed registration for course sample materials.

To register for the full course materials, please enter the e-mail address below that was used for the previous registration. Please select “Register Now” button.

E-Mail Address:
UNEP Refrigerant Management Course Guidance
The Refrigerant Management Course is a university level course developed by UN Environment for engineering students. ASHRAE distributes the course and promotes its use by ASHRAE Student Branch Advisors and other instructors globally. Its use is restricted for educational purposes in academic settings.

Register to review for course sample materials.

In order to register for the full course material, please provide the email address used for registration of course sample materials.